First the kids learned a song about "...nose, ears, eyes, mouth and fingers too,..."
Then they got to see a horned owl (stuffed)...
September 8, 2000 - Rochester Hills Library -
I found the Nature Center's mobile unit at the Rochester Hills Library presenting
Explore Nature Through the Senses to groups of preschoolers (3-5 years old).
...followed by one of the owl's favorite meals: a skunk (also stuffed)...
...with a warning about keeping a safe distance when a skunk is found in the wild.
The only live exhibit was this non-poisonous snake, a native of Michigan.
These boys wanted a really good look.
A rabbit helped to illustrate the sense of hearing...
...and the kids got to touch this soft fox fur as an example of tactile sensation.
Pretzels dipped in real maple syrup brought home the sense of taste.
Other exhibits included butterflies and moths,...
...a bat...
...and a fawn, one of two that was removed from the mother who had been found
dead along the roadside.
Click on "Next" to see some Bark Park pictures.