Joanne (Paval) Richards Lunch
October 8, 2012

Joanne was in Michigan to see her first grandchild and was able to join a group of us for lunch.  Normally, we meet on the first Monday of the month (second Monday on weekend holidays), but we are more than willing to accommodate your schedule.  If you are planning a trip to the area and you would like to get together for lunch with some Class of 1961 fellow grads, please contact Joe McClellan at or Bob Hazzard at

Clockwise from the Left: Joe McClellan, Paula (Notarangelo) Fasulo, Joanne (Paval) Richards,
Judy (Nowak) Kowich, Dave Davis,
Donna (Wieczorkowski) Jeske, Judy McFarlane

Joanne, Dave, Leon  Noel, Mike Kebbe, Rich
Carnago, Jack Gadioli, Donna, Judy M

Jack, Kathy Lauer, Joe, Paula, Joanne

Leon, Mike, Rich

Judy K, Dave, Leon